Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Here I Am

I never imagined I would make it this far. 1 year later, here I am, still alive. Its truly a miracle because there have certainly been times within this year that I have wanted so badly to just die, I thought I would be better off dead because the pain seemed too unbearable. But, here I am, thank God. I know He still has a plan for me because I'm still here. I would like to take this time to encourage those mothers who are new in their journey. Those 1st few weeks can seem so unreal and most of the time you're numb. If I were face to face I would give you a great big hug, cry with you, and tell you with certainty that it will get easier. I don't think the pain disappears, but everyday life will get smoother. Some days will be better than others. My top advice is always: don't put yourself on a timeline, grieve as you need to. As I think back to this time last year, I was walking around like a zombie, so dazed and confused, so grief stricken and so hurt. But here I am a year later, I'm not perfect, but I get a little bit stronger day by day. Some days I can do nothing but cry and hide out from the world, then some days, I smile a lot, I'm happy and I have a drive for life. So don't feel like you should be in a certain place on your journey, just take it slow.


  1. Hello Stephanie. We are on the same yahoo group. thank you for this message. It helps to know that life does get better and that it's not going to be like "this" all the time. I keep saying that I don't like this new me.... and I want my old self back. But it's so difficult. It's not been long since my baby angel went away. I know it's early days let.... but I just want to be able to smile.... a true smile. Not a fake one that doesnt come from the heart.

  2. I love your blog. It really is heart felt. You should blog more. Plus the blessing is in when you tell your story to others. Plus when you get that house full of kids you will truly love them. Its coming... Pinky promise

